
viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


Con grato placer recibimos la noticia de que Bruce Dickinson ha sido dado de alta. Para celebrarlo programamos 12 horas con su discografía, directos y rarezas que no te puedes perder. Arrancamos hoy a las 19:00 y terminamos al amanecer.

“I would like to thank the fantastic medical team who have been treating me for the last few months, resulting in this amazing outcome. It’s been tough on my family and in many ways it was harder for them than me. I’d also like to send a heartfelt thanks to all our fans for their kind words and thoughts. I’m a firm believer in trying to maintain a positive attitude, and the encouragement from the global Maiden family meant a great deal to me. Right now, I’m feeling extremely motivated and can’t wait to get back to business as usual, as soon as I can!” Bruce Dickinson.

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